Yesterday,we went to Gurney Plaza and gave Ching Wen a surprise birthday party.Wan Chee is the organizer of this birthday party.She suggested to give Ching Wen a memorable 18 years old birthday .I help her to came out the plan ,before two week we already started do some planing.It was 6 people celebrated with Ching Wen .ME,Wan Chee,Fei Fei,Hong Gark,Jaslyn,and Ming ming.Haiz...two girls were missing .One is Precious Ng and the other is Sin Lin.Actually our location was celebrated at Manila Plase but finally changed to Sushi King .Anyway the sushi was very delicious too.Fei Fei and me were late and Wan chee was waiting us outside the Sushi King .I took out this (i think is banana cake lah) cake
and walked toward to the table which Ching Wen seat.She laughted happily .We had our dinner there.I ate a lots of sushi and everyone were very enjoy their sushi too
the table we seat was full of food until the menu almost fell down.After that we went to bought movie ticket.We watched 17 again althought someone was not 17 anymore.
It was a nice show ,very funny.Gark Gark was late while we waiting her outside the cineme we capture a lots of photo. lame
Ching Wen :The slipper smell nice!!!(created by sien)
A giant Jaslyn

Oh no what she want to do?

Birthday girl with me
Haha they are complaining again i close my eyes actually i am not ,is just my eyes not big enought

I was very happy to meet my friend and my cousin because it was a long time i din hang out with them.Althought this saturday was very tired but i am enjoy it and i had alot of fun time with them.Hope to see everyone as soon as possible .Finally i am here to said Happy Birthday to Ching Wen .