Hooray~is party time start now.Time is walking away ,so fast semester 2 is finished.Holiday is start.Is the time to enjoy our teenage young life, making our life more fantastic .Planning and organizing now is become useful le.Haha can start plan my time and arrange my time for variety kinds of activities.
Haha my holiday is actually quite short .Let me show u how long will my holiday until.
Deepavali -> Chinese New Year -> Valentine 's Day -> College Openning
See what this few festival ,college is going to start again.That why i must enjoy my holiday.In other way,enjoying is need to have a good financial support,so i hope i can get a temporary part-time job too.
Finally am now is open to booking.Haha who is going to meet me can start to booking now.1st come 1st serve.XD
Happy Holiday To Everyone

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